The benefits of red light therapy

I am about to launch the availability of red light therapy treatments in my clinic, as I have done a deep dive into the research and am very impressed with what I have read and the sheer volume of research that has been done on this powerful modality.  Red light therapy is also known as photobiomodulation in the research and has been extensively studied, showing different wavelengths having specific health and wellness benefits.  Personally, I have been using a red light mask as well as a gua sha that emits infra red and red light and have been very impressed with the results in my skin quality over the last 3 months.  I have posted about this on my social media channels, so feel free to check out my before and after on there.

For those of you that don’t know about red light, here is a synopsis of some of the main benefits it has demonstrated in humans.

Skin and hair rejuvenation:

Red and infrared light therapy has been proven to promote the production of collagen at the wavelengths of 650-855nm with various wavelengths showing benefit on sun damage and skin rejuvenation. The benefits extend to acne, wound healing, scarring, rosacea, sun damage, hair growth via stimulating hair follicles to grow thicker and healthier hair, wrinkles, crepey skin, under eye circles and bags as well as reducing the appearance of broken capillaries just under the surface of the skin.  Users note an improvement in skin tone and texture with consistent use of the correct wavelengths and appropriate irradiance and wattage of the product being used.  Furthermore, red light improves blood flow, tissue oxygenation and microcirculation improving nutrition delivery and repair to body tissue.

Pain relief and exercise recovery:

Red and infrared light between the wavelengths of 650nm-980nm has been studied and proven to improve pain, reduce injury and promote post exercise recovery.  Some studies show improvements with athletic performance and muscle building, with improvements in stamina and endurance.  Red light interacts with the mitochondria and is thought to promote the production of the energy molecule ATP.  It can improve pain, joint inflammation and muscle soreness in conditions like arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune diseases and fibromyalgia.

Reduced depression and improved sleep:

Red light can improve sleep quality by counteracting the effect of abnormal blue light exposure.  It can improve circadian rhythm and boost mood.  There is emerging evidence showing red light can improve brain injury and brain-based disorders such as parkinson’s and dementia.  The key to good results would be regular use of a product strong enough that emits the correct wavelengths. Improvements in mood were seen at wavelengths between 650-860nm.

While red light therapy looks impressive, it is important to note that results are highly individualised and what works for one person, may not work for all.  Some people have been known to react adversely to initiation of red light therapy, as it is thought to promote detoxification.  When this happens, going low and slow is the best approach. 

If this seems fascinating to you, stay tuned for an announcement on my social media channels for the launch of bookings for red light therapy. 

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