Children’s Health

The health and wellbeing of our children is of the utmost importance to us as parents.  When everything doesn't run smoothly, we worry.

Natural medicine can often be the answer to many of the health issues which plague childhood.

Paediatric Naturopath Perth

I am a Paediatric Naturopath in Perth and specialise in working with children of all ages, especially children with behavioural disorders or learning difficulties.
Naturopathy can assist with the treatment of conditions such as:

  • Bedwetting
  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Eczema
  • Behaviour
  • Poor immunity
  • Fussy eating
  • Chronic cough
  • Ear, nose, throat infections
  • Lack of energy
  • Poor concentration at school
  • General wellness and prevention
  • Childhood obesity
  • Constipation, diarrhea and irritible bowel syndrome
  • Failure to thrive
  • Colic
  • Reflux
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Getting on top of these issues during childhood, lays a healthy foundation for adult wellness. Failure to deal with problems during childhood can result in silent inflammation, which underlies most chronic diseases seen in society today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, I will look into underlying factors which may be contributing to fussy eating such as constipation, nutritional deficiencies, sensory issues and existing habits and set a plan to alleviate these underlying causes to improve dietary diversity.

Need help with Children’s Health?

Book a consultation today

Articles About Children’s Health

Natural ways to shrink tonsils

Tonsils – to remove or not to remove

The causes of iron deficiency and how to treat it naturally

Calcium For Kids - How To Boost Their Intake

Calcium For Kids – How To Boost Their Intake